Backwards Compatible

Backwards Compatible #41 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (SNES)

Episode 41

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Cowabunga! In episode 41, Lou and I are diving shell-first into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time on the SNES. This game is often considered one of the greatest beat ‘em ups of all time, but how does it compare to its arcade counterpart? We break down the differences, from smoother gameplay and tighter controls on the SNES to the arcade’s flashy four-player mayhem. We also take a detour to discuss The Hyperstone Heist, the Sega Genesis-exclusive TMNT game that often gets overshadowed by Turtles in Time.

Along the way, we talk about what makes a great beat ‘em up, our favorite levels and boss fights, and why this game still holds up decades later. So grab a slice of pizza, fire up your SNES, and join us for a trip through time with the heroes in a half shell!

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